
Showing posts from July, 2017

I hate this medication...

A little over a month ago I went to a normal drs appt for my thyroid (and to find out why I wasnt having periods) and I ended up having a total meltdown when I read the "do you have depression" questionnaire they give everyone at appts.. Do you feel worthless??  yes.. Do you have insomnia or want to sleep all the time?  yes.. Are you often sad for no reason?  yes.. Do you often feel like your family and friends are better off with out you around?  yes.. Do you cry often for no reason?   yes.. etc, etc..  For some reason this time around it really really bothered me marking yes to 95% of those questions.  I was having a really really hard time dealing with the fact my oldest is going to be graduating high school and my baby is going into Kindergarten.. I cried over that ALL THE TIME.. I felt like I'm not needed anymore.. I feel lost.. What am I going to do now? I've been a stay at home mother for 18 years!  So yeah, I started crying and I couldnt sto

Counting down. T-4 days to go...

Until I do something HUGE. At least huge for me.. Most people see it as no big deal but I will be leaving  for Pittsburgh early Sunday AM and we are traveling by plane.. Alone.. No family..  I am tackling two fears at once, flying in an airplane (and while fat) and leaving my family so far away.. I converted to Catholicism on Easter and I've been apart of the Stephen Ministry at our parish.  It's helping people in our area who are having a hard time in life.. Some people its elderly people with health issues, those who lost jobs, going through a death, pregnancy loss, any life changing event, we are there. I was honored to be asked if I wanted to become a leader so I accepted.. I was really hesitant to but I did..  I know turning it down when they seen potential in me wouldnt benefit anyone. So I accepted, all expenses paid how could I refuse a chance to see a new place and have a new experience? I've spent all of my adult life being a wife and mother, staying at home

Start of something good.. July 19th 2017

This is me. Just an everyday gal, mid 30's, nothing really special.  Married forever it seems with a house full of babies.  Well, my babies as  I call them but in reality I have my oldest graduating high school next year and my "baby"  going off to Kindergarten next month.  So where does this leave me? Honestly, I haven't got a clue.  So I was told to start a blog about my life as it stands right now..   Come the end of August, I wont have anymore babies at home to take care of.  I will be here, alone.  What will I do?  Go to work? Go back to school? Volunteer? What will make me truly happy? I guess we will see..  I just gotta figure out something to do with my life now and this is a start..  This will be my home to figure out who I am, and who I want to become.  I want to learn to love myself, ALL of myself. I want to be happy. I want to live life to its fullest.  So let's begin.